Acceptance Records
Introduce acceptance records
Treatment for asthma patient
About patient
Patient: Chinese woman (20s)
Name of disease: Asthma
She requested to be examined the cause, receive a definitive diagnosis, and have treatment.
Because the period of her stay in Japan is limited, prior examination was conducted at Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital and provided diagnosis and prescription at Hospital N based on the result of examination.

Support of each institution
Kaikou International Healthcare
- Gathered, organized, and translated the patient’s medical information.
- Selected host medical institution and doctor, and recommended to the patient.
- Provided the patient’s information to medical institution. Informed the patient of acceptability of hospital, treatment method, medical expenses, and treatment period.
- Made an appointment for consultation and arranged the schedule.
- Received medical expenses for advance payment.
- Support for consultation as an assistant and medical interpretation during the stay in Japan.
- Payment agent of medical expenses
Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital
- Conducted prior examination directed by a doctor of N Hospital.
N Hospital
- Provided diagnosis and medication by a specialized doctor based on the result of examination. She had reexamination one month later and follow-up continuously.
She couldn’t receive definitive diagnosis as asthma at the hospital in China.
She was satisfied that it was a meaningful visit because the cause of disease was clarified this time and she got how to deal with the disease in the future.
Other acceptance records
- Exercise therapy and nutritional guidance for diabetic patients
- Travel dialysis patients
- Surgery for patient
with skull base
meningiomas - Postoperative rehabilitation
for a cerebral
infarction patient - Living kidney transplantation and health care
- Treatment for asthma patient
- Examination and treatment
for a patient
who has digestive disease