Travel Dialysis
Even if you are dialysis patient, you can travel.
We provide dialysis treatment for dialysis patients who stay in Japan for a short time on business trips or pleasure at our associated medical institution as well as dialysis clinics within Kaikoukai Healthcare Group.
It’s little disappointing that due to dialysis treatment, you decide not to travel with your family, or a schedule of business trip is affected, isn’t it? We can introduce an acceptable clinic for you to undergo travel dialysis in your desired area at your desired time zone, so please feel free to contact us.

Facility location

Tokyo / Saitama
- ①Toshima Chuo Hospital
- ②Saitama Honoka Clinic
Aichi / Shizuoka / Gifu / Mie
- ③Kaikoukai Central Clinic
- ④Meiko Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑤Ama Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑥Toyota Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑦Josui Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑧Handa Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑨Anjo Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑩Hekikai Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑪Seto Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑫Kuwana Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑬Nakatsugawa Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑭Komagane Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑮Shizuoka Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑯Johoku Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑰Kakegawa Kyoritsu Clinic
- ⑱Sanarudai Asahi Clinic
- ⑲Takaokakita Asahi Clinic
- ⑳Kaikoukai Josai Hospital
- ㉑Nagoya Kyoritsu Hospital
- ㉒Kaikoukai Rehabilitation Hospital
Procedure to accept travel dialysis patients
- ・Please let us know your desired date, area, and time.
- ・We find a clinic where satisfies your needs and confirm acceptance.
Fill out information sheet and submit your dialysis summery
- ・After confirmation of the acceptable clinic, please fill out information sheet.
- ・At the same time, please let your family doctor or an attending hospital know that they need to submit your dialysis summary to us. (Please contact us about your dialysis information.)
Provide patient information to the dialysis clinic
- ・We provide your information to the dialysis clinic and get final confirmation.
Check the information
- ・If there is lack of information, we will contact you.
Come to the dialysis clinic on the day
- ・Please come to the dialysis clinic at the scheduled time.
- ・You will be asked to sign on a dialysis consent form on the day.
- ・Please make payment at the clinic on the day.